Green Nano Technology

Green Nanotechnology

At Kadamba, we are at the forefront in pioneering sustainable advancements through the power of nanotechnology. Our Green Nano-Tech initiatives are focused on developing eco-friendly solutions that push the boundaries of innovation while keeping the emphasis on environmental responsibility.
By incorporating green practices into our research and development, we aim to create technologies that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability. Discover how our advanced green nanotechnology is transforming industries, addressing global challenges, and contributing to a healthier, more sustainable future.

Nano Technology

Nanotechnology, operating at the scale of 10-9 meters, revolutionizes science and technology by manipulating matter at an atomic scale. At this nanoscale, materials exhibit dramatic changes, empowering breakthrough innovations in bio medical applications, food and beverage’s industry, electronics, green energy, agriculture and environmental engineering, and more. This scientific frontier promises advancements across diverse sectors, from consumer products to energy production and innovative manufacturing processes.

Kadamba's Green Nano Technology

Kadamba pioneers Green Nano Technology, harmonizing India's ancient wisdom with modern science. Our approach harnesses antioxidant-rich phytochemicals from the Plant Kingdom as electron reservoirs, facilitating the creation of nanoparticles encapsulated with these phytochemical blends. This futuristic technology forms the foundation for crafting 100% natural Nano pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and functional foods.

Advantages of Green Synthesis

Green synthesis methods champion environmental sustainability. They're non-toxic, robust, and energy-efficient compared to conventional chemical processes. By eliminating toxic waste and reducing energy consumption, Green Nanotechnology stands as a beacon of eco-friendliness and safety.

Significance of Green Nanotechnology

The future of healthcare and product development leans towards holistic approaches. Plant-based Green Nanotechnology leads the charge in discoveries, offering sustainable solutions for future products. It's estimated that the majority of future materials and processes will incorporate Green Nanotechnology at their core.

Economic and Environmental Impacts

Green Nanotechnology holds immense economic potential, embedding nanomaterials across various applications. Kadamba, through interdisciplinary innovation, spearheading a sustainable revolution in many industries without harming our mother nature.

Toward a Green Future

Green Nanotechnology not only promises lucrative prospects for industries to pave the new way of approach for sustainable industrial expansions. It's an interdisciplinary frontier bridging technology, sustainability, and economic prosperity.

Rationale for Green Processes

In an era of Nano Technological revolution, addressing environmental impacts from production processes and embedded nanoparticles is crucial. Green Nanotechnology stands at the nexus of chemistry, physics, medicine, and engineering, offering eco-friendly materials and processes. It drives fundamental and mission-oriented research, propelling the design of smart foods, life-saving pharmaceuticals, and eco-conscious products.

Scope of technology

Nano Nutraceuticals
Functional food & beverages
Beauty Nutrition
Old age nutrition
Child nutrition
Sports Nutrition
Medical dietary supplements
Natural preservatives

Ayurvedic Anti-biotics
Ayush Ahaar
Smart Anti-Oxidants
Immuno-modulatory Solutions
Ayush Beverages
Many more…

Green anti-oxidants
Solutions for Anti- Infectious diseases
Cancer theragnostics
Parasitic diseases
Immunomodulatory activation
Macrophage activation

Anti-aging products
Skin care products
Anti-Acne products
Anti- Dandruff Products
Hair care products
Anti-bacterial shampoos & Soaps
Rejuvenating Face Masks

Hand Sanitizers
Mouth wash
Mouth spray
Women care products

Textile Disinfectant
Air Disinfectants
Floor cleaner
Hospital Disinfectant
Anti-bacterial Adhesives

Medical textiles
Sports Textiles
Advanced Sanitary pads
Anti-Bacterial Socks / Gloves
Anti-Bacterial inner wears

Smart & Green Pesticides
Nano encapsulated Fertilizers
Nano micro nutrients
Nano growth promoters

Specialty of Kadamba Green Nano Technology


Advanced technology innovations from internationally reputed nano experts .

Cutting edge innovations .

Standardized Reproducibility .

Quality Assured Nano Particles with defined specifications .

Product properties defined as per final requirement .

Encapsulated with various Phyto chemicals .

Enhanced stability and robust shelf-life .

Scalability with no limitation in production capacity .


Kadamba Green Technology Other NanoTechnologies
100% Biocompatible nanoparticles Not bio compatible
100% Natural Product Chemically synthesized
100% Water-soluble Soluble in organic media
100% Carbon free production Emit toxic substances during production
Scalability, No limitation Scalability yet to be proven
Green antioxidant Almost all the antioxidants are chemical molecules
100% Gluten Free Not mentioned

Understanding Hydrogels

Hydrogels, intricate three-dimensional polymer networks, exhibit swelling properties without dissolving in water in the short term. Initially developed over 60 years ago, hydrogels have evolved into promising materials for biomedical applications. Their ability to swell originates from a strong affinity toward water, reaching equilibrium for shape and mechanical strength. Kadamba is at the forefront of pioneering cutting-edge hydrogel technologies, exploring their extensive applications in medicine, cosmetics, environmental solutions, and engineering fields.

Innovative Kadamba Neergel Technology

Kadamba's Neergel Technology redefines hydrogel applications by transforming water into gel using a blend of phyto materials and natural components via holistic green nanotechnology. Our range of hydrogel products spans cosmetics, wound care, and biomedical engineering, showcasing the wide scope of applications in life sciences. Developed collaboratively with esteemed global scientists, our hydrogel technology is a testament to innovation and cutting-edge research.

Distinctive Features of Kadamba's Hydrogel Technology :

High Water Content and Biocompatibility: Kadamba Hydrogels consist of 95% water, ensuring biocompatibility and biodegradability for extensive use in life sciences.

Advanced Formulation: Our hydrogel formulation integrates sophisticated green nanotechnology and advanced gel technologies, employing natural ingredients in aqueous media for holistic applications.

Customized Applications: Tailored for healthcare and cosmetics, Kadamba's hydrogels exhibit softness, pliability, and robustness, facilitating easy handling and manipulation.

Therapeutic Release: Engineered for rapid release of antibiotic and therapeutic nanoparticles, enhancing their efficiency and efficacy.

Hydrogel-Based Cosmetics

Kadamba leads the forefront in functional hydrogels for cosmetic applications, leveraging the high-water content (95%) and the release of gold, silver nanoparticles, and herbal extracts from ancient Ayurvedic references.:

Kadamba's Neergel Technology in hydrogel-based cosmetics embodies a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern innovation, promising effective, safe, and cutting-edge solutions for skincare and wound care needs.

    Our range includes

    Skincare Products

    Efficient and safe skincare solutions harnessing the potential of hydrogels, delivering optimal hydration and therapeutic benefits.

    Wound Care

    Specialized formulations aid in wound healing, ensuring efficient and controlled release of therapeutic agents for accelerated recovery.

    Cosmetic Efficiency

    Enhanced cosmetic efficiency and safety are achieved through natural herbal extracts and nanoparticles, offering a unique blend of tradition and innovation.

    Edible water

    Kadamba pioneers’ edible water through 100% green processes. Our innovative hydrogel technology transforms water into a sustainable, biodegradable form, and aligning with our commitment to eco-consciousness and a greener future.

Medical Applications

Hydrogels reduce infections in chronic wounds and aid in wound healing .

Hydrogels reduce healing time

Hydrogels patches and band aids are both sterile and antibiotic .

Kadamba's hydrogels reduce hospital stays and ensure full recovery from chronic wounds .

Kadamba's hydrogels aid in pain mitigation .

Kadamba's hydrogels serve as barriers for microoraganism to avoid external contamination .

Kadamba's hydrogels unleash antibiotic and wound healing characteristics for chronic and burn wounds .

Saving time and patient suffering .

Microorganism barrier to avoid external contamination .

Capability for encapsulate large amount of antibiotics and nanoparticles .

Foundation in Ayurveda Tradition

Kadamba, in collaboration with TECTON Company from the USA, pioneers the development of R-3-Hydroxybutyrate Glyceride (HBG) grounded in Ayurvedic principles. Derived entirely from plant fibers, our HBG undergoes rigorous research to validate its metabolic pathways and benefits in the human body.

Metabolic Transformation and Energy Production

HBG oxidation yields acetoacetate (AcAc) and facilitates energy production through a non-sugar metabolic pathway. This distinctive trait not only provides an alternative energy source but also aids in addressing health concerns associated with sugar metabolism, notably diabetes and obesity.

Realizing Healthy Attributes

Ketone bodies derived from Ayurvedic HBG offer promising potential in resisting diseases like obesity, type-2 diabetes, and certain cancers. The science behind ketone diets and their applications in foods and beverages aligns with realistic health benefits, offering sustainable health for individuals.

AHBG for Enhanced Metabolic Pathways

AHBG consumption initiates Ketogenesis, providing an alternative energy source for vital organs like the heart, brain, and muscles. This metabolic pathway generates ATP molecules without relying on sugar intake, potentially reshaping dietary approaches for sustained health.

The Promise of Functional Beverages and Foods

Kadamba and TECTON-USA introduce the genius of Ayurvedic AHBG Ketone as functional beverages, energy bars, chocolates, and pre-mixes. This revolutionary development transforms the global food and beverage industry, meeting the urgent human need for 'Food for Health.'

Addressing Global Obesity Concerns

Obesity, a worldwide epidemic, triggers severe health issues. AHBG-based products, available as beverages, energy bars, chocolates, and pre-mixes for Indian cuisine, offer a practical approach to combatting obesity without disrupting lifestyles.

Kadamba Functional Food and Beverages

For over a quarter of a century, Kadamba has been devoted to bridging the gap between traditional medicine and dietary habits. Our relentless research has culminated in pioneering patented green nanotechnology solutions, revolutionizing the integration of nutrients into food matrices. This breakthrough empowers us to craft Functional Foods and Beverages that boast stabilized natural ingredient values, delivering targeted wellness solutions and profound adaptogenic effects.

Benefits of Regular Consumption

Regular consumption of Kadamba's Functional Foods and Beverages unveils a multitude of advantages. These products are not just about taste or sustenance they are designed to enhance overall wellness. The targeted delivery of nutrients, fortified by our innovative approach, offers sustained and amplified benefits, contributing to an improved quality of life.

Green Nanoscience at Work

Leveraging Green Nanoscience Technology, Kadamba elevates the nutritional efficacy of these foods and beverages. Through our pioneering technology, biomolecules are encapsulated within the food matrix. This process facilitates enhanced nutrition availability at the cellular level, unlocking the full potential of these functional products.

Innovative Approach

Kadamba's Functional Foods and Beverages are meticulously crafted using a scientifically designed approach rooted in adaptogenic principles. These offerings are meticulously formulated to provide a comprehensive spectrum of nutritional benefits. Our commitment to harnessing the power of whole food ingredients ensures that each component naturally contributes specific health advantages.

Experience the Difference

At Kadamba, our commitment to excellence in functional foods and beverages is a testament to our dedication to enhancing well-being. Each product embodies years of research, innovation, and a passion for pioneering advancements in the intersection of nutrition and technology. these functional products.

Indulge in Kadamba's Functional Foods and Beverages and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness, where nourishment meets innovation, and your well-being takes centre stage.


"Nano-Ayurveda represents a holistic medical approach developed through a blend of cutting-edge green nanotechnology and ancient Indian Ayurvedic knowledge, fostering a comprehensive healing modality."

"Kadamba diligently explores comprehensive phytomedicines using Green Nanoscience, harnessing natural core ingredients in alignment with the profound insights from Tibetan and Ancient Eastern Medicine traditions."

Kadamba "Kadamba adheres rigorously to Ayurvedic principles in the production of nanoparticles, ensuring their alignment with time-honoured holistic practices."

“Nano-Ayurvedic Medicine” is Approved by the US Patents and Trademarks office, that can create a new generation medical modality in treatment protocols.

"The recognition of 'Nano-Ayurvedic Medicine' by the US Patents and Trademarks office heralds a new era in medical treatment methodologies, offering ground-breaking potential."

"The highly advanced approaches within Nano Ayurveda are reshaping modern drug discovery paradigms, unveiling transformative insights."

"Embracing evidence-based methodologies, Nano Ayurvedic medicine stands as a testament to its universal acceptance and credibility."

"Nano Ayurvedic medicine showcases superior effectiveness compared to conventional herbal medicine systems, amplifying therapeutic outcomes."

"Transforming various herbs into nanoparticles, Nano Ayurvedic medicine enhances bioavailability and efficacy, elevating its healing potential significantly."

"Kadamba's green nano particles, infused with Ayurvedic herbal ingredients, deeply penetrate tissues and body cells, ensuring swift and potent responses."

"Comprehensive toxicological studies confirm the complete safety and absence of side effects in Nano Ayurvedic medicine, ensuring patient well-being."

"Nano Ayurvedic medicines come in diverse forms, including concoctions, capsules, tablets, and powders, ensuring versatile usage and accessibility."

"The versatility of Nano Ayurvedic medicines extends to treating conditions like Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, stress reduction, anxiety management, hypertension, and addressing complex cognitive disorders, offering holistic care."

Advanced Green Molecules


  1. Neolamarckia cadamba plant is an evergreen tropical tree. It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is one of the economically important trees and has therapeutic potential against many diseases such as fever, uterine complaints, blood diseases, skin diseases, tumour, anaemia, eye inflammation, diarrhoea diabetes, stomatitis, leprosy, antihepatotoxic, antimalarial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic and laxative, cancer and infectious diseases.

Caffeic Acid

  1. Caffeic Acid is a natural product
  2. Caffeic acid (CA) is a phenolic compound synthesized by all plant species and is present in foods such as coffee, wine, tea, and popular medicines such as propolis. This phenolic acid and its derivatives have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic activity
  3. Caffeic acid is a type of polyphenol, a class of micronutrients known for their antioxidant properties. The nutrient is claimed to have many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiviral abilities. It may help boost the performance of athletes
  4. Caffeic acid is a potent natural antioxidant. It is mainly used to improve skin conditions like wrinkled, dull and saggy skin due to oxidative stress. Also, it is believed to enhance collagen production

Shikimic acid

  1. Shikimic acid was first isolated in Japan, 1885, from Illicium religio sum and was named after the Japanese name for this plant, shikimi-no-ki.
  2. Shikimic acid a natural organic compound, is generally utilized as a starting material for industrial synthesis of the antiviral oseltamivir, a drug against the H1N1 influenza virus and Tamiflu. It is employed as an analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory applications. Its influence on the biosynthesis of vitamins A and K has also been proven
  3. Shikimic acid shows the relaxation of the connections of epidermal cells (corneocytes), which results in exfoliation of the epidermis and encourages tissue regeneration. Repetitive treatments allow for effective inhibition of problems related to pigmentation changes, as well as smooth the epidermis and have anti-acne properties.

Special Phytochemicals

These compounds are essential for natural remedies, dietary supplements, and Pharmaceuticals.

Kadamba's phytochemicals, offer a wide array of health benefits.

These phytochemicals highlight the potential of plant-derived compounds in improving well-being and addressing various health issues.

Kadmaba produces active ingredients of various plant materials, sourced from very unique and rare plant species encapsulated with nano particles.

Advanced Green Molecules


  1. Neolamarckia cadamba plant is an evergreen tropical tree. It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is one of the economically important trees and has therapeutic potential against many diseases such as fever, uterine complaints, blood diseases, skin diseases, tumour, anaemia, eye inflammation, diarrhoea diabetes, stomatitis, leprosy, antihepatotoxic, antimalarial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic and laxative, cancer and infectious diseases.

Caffeic Acid

  1. Caffeic Acid is a natural product
  2. Caffeic acid (CA) is a phenolic compound synthesized by all plant species and is present in foods such as coffee, wine, tea, and popular medicines such as propolis. This phenolic acid and its derivatives have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic activity
  3. Caffeic acid is a type of polyphenol, a class of micronutrients known for their antioxidant properties. The nutrient is claimed to have many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiviral abilities. It may help boost the performance of athletes
  4. Caffeic acid is a potent natural antioxidant. It is mainly used to improve skin conditions like wrinkled, dull and saggy skin due to oxidative stress. Also, it is believed to enhance collagen production

Shikimic acid

  1. Shikimic acid was first isolated in Japan, 1885, from Illicium religio sum and was named after the Japanese name for this plant, shikimi-no-ki.
  2. Shikimic acid a natural organic compound, is generally utilized as a starting material for industrial synthesis of the antiviral oseltamivir, a drug against the H1N1 influenza virus and Tamiflu. It is employed as an analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory applications. Its influence on the biosynthesis of vitamins A and K has also been proven
  3. Shikimic acid shows the relaxation of the connections of epidermal cells (corneocytes), which results in exfoliation of the epidermis and encourages tissue regeneration. Repetitive treatments allow for effective inhibition of problems related to pigmentation changes, as well as smooth the epidermis and have anti-acne properties.

Advanced Katti Peptide

  1. Their bioavailability, antioxidant attributes, and therapeutic potential make them catalysts for innovation and industry transformation.
  2. These peptides are promising for applications in pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics.
  3. Katti peptides are known for their exceptional bioactive qualities.
  4. They are derived from organic sources and possess unique structural features & diverse functionalities.