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Dr. Medha Bhat

Ph.D. in Botany from Karnataka University, India, Dr. Medha's research mainly focuses on harnessing the power of natural products, particularly from the genus Andrographis for their anticancer potential. Her thesis subject was exploring the isolation and characterization of andrographolides, followed by evaluation of their anticancer activity.


Andrographolide Isolation and Characterization: Skilled in utilizing techniques like fractionation, chromatography, and spectroscopy (UV-Vis, FTIR, NMR) to isolate and characterize bioactive compounds from plants.

Anticancer Activity Evaluation: Experienced in conducting in vitro cytotoxicity assays and flow cytometry analysis to assess the anticancer potential of natural extracts and pure compounds.

Phytochemical Analysis: Possess experience in analysing the chemical composition and nutritional value of plants, as demonstrated by my research on African Mangosteen (Garcinia livingstonei).


Published Research: Authored 4 research papers, 1 review article, and contributed to 3 book chapters on phytochemicals and bioactive compounds.

Conference Presentations: Actively participated in national and international conferences to share her research findings.

Karnataka State Eligibility Test (K-SET): Cleared in December 2016, demonstrating her eligibility for excelling in the chosen field